Blogs and Resources

  • Podcast: How Can I Help More People?

    It is wired in us to help more people. True passion calls us to pursue goals and dreams that do not only merit us, but others as well. But how do we become enabled to help others? Sometimes we get stuck in the thinking that we don’t have enough time, or don’t have enough money…

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  • When You’re Spouse Isn’t Being Fair

    Reciprocity is important in a relationship. I remember that many people told me before getting married, “Kiko, you have to make sure that you and Ces reciprocate each others efforts.” But what happens when you’re spouse isn’t being fair? What if you’ve been serving non-stop, and your spouse just keeps taking without giving?

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  • 5 Signs of a Know It All Co-Worker and How to Deal With Them

    signs of a know it all

    One of the toughest people to face in the workplace is a know it all. Just the thought of listening to someone like that probably even makes you shudder. You know, that one person on the team that acts like they’re never wrong. What could possibly be worse? What are some signs of a know…

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  • 4 Life Aspects that Get Destroyed by Success, and How to Protect It

    A couple of weeks ago, I was at a conference speaking to some students on passion and success. It was one of my favorites because of the number of questions being asked by the students. How often do we usually have those talks where the open forum isn’t dead air?

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  • The Issue of Making More Money

    About two months ago, I was in Manila for ministry training. God spoke to me one afternoon, while I was on my way home.

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