Category: Work
How to Really Leave the Office
It’s your day off and you’re miles away from your work place, but even if you should be resting, your mind is still stuck at work. Have you ever had this kind of problem?
Work Days with Jesus: Be Free from the Stress and Anxiety
Think about how your usual day goes. Can you say that your life is free of stress, worry, problems or pessimism? Chances are, we’ll probably all say “no” in resounding chorus (and with harmony too!) Anyone and everyone, no matter how smart, strategic, experienced or Christian you has probably experienced bumps and trials on a daily basis.
So You Want to Be in Ministry?
So you want to be in ministry? Many people today want to do ministry to simply play church, get the perks or catch the limelight. People like that will find that to enter ministry with those desires will mean ultimate disappointment.
I can’t do it, I can do it, I will do it
At many occasions, you will be told by other people or by circumstances what cannot do. You’ll be surprised to know that listening to them will actually do you more good than harm.
Why do I feel so tired even if I take days off?
Today’s working force has a completely different outlook towards rest than it did half a decade back. Whereas rest and leaves were once a desired thing generally, many workers today cannot find it within themselves to take a break.
Why is my life falling apart?
Ephesians 2:19-20. Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. Three years ago, I was asked to be part of a team to oversee and manage the construction of…
7 Lessons Steve Harvey Taught Us
Steve Harvey was not a name that a lot of people knew before today. In fact, I don’t think this many people have ever remembered the name of a pageant host ever. As famous as Harvey is right now, I’m not so sure if he or anyone else around thinks that’s a good thing. When…
How to Stay Away from the Love of Money
There was once a businessman by the name of Robert G. LeTourneau, one of the most decorated heavy machinery inventors in history. RG LeTourneau started off terribly as a businessman, getting into gambling and drinking at an early age. By 28, his business was under $5,000 in debt (this was back in the 1900s). At…
What To Do When Facing a Financial Crisis
There are three things that give a leader a platform to effectively carry a team: Vision, charisma and resources. I remember that in one of my classes back in school of ministry, Pastor Joey Bonifacio taught us that there are three questions leaders should always answer.
How to Craft Your Mission and Vision Statement
Last Sunday, I was invited to be one of the speakers at the event of the Global Shapers community of Iloilo, and nothing beats building leaders on a Sunday.