Author: Patrick Mabilog
Dirty Dishes, Happier Marriages and Servant Leadership
If there’s one chore that has taught me more about life, it’s washing the dishes. And tonight as I washed the dishes after dinner- which I do most of the time- I pondered upon some new insights. Some I’d like to share to you. My Spiritual Encounter When Washing Dishes Anyone who knows me knows…
Tough Discipleship: Leading Hard-Cases That Don’t Grow
Discipleship is simple. This is how simple it was. Jesus taught this concept to simple-minded commoners within a three-year window. Discipleship is not rocket science, but neither is it a walk in the park. I have obeyed God’s mandate (sometimes reluctantly) to follow Jesus, fish for the lost and fellowship with believers for many years…
4 Hindrances To Taking More Risks And How To Conquer Them
Risk taking is necessary to to succeeding in one’s career, relationships or life. When we trade being risk averse for the sake of short-term or long-term security, we’re missing out. We know taking risks must happen, but sometimes we’re too paralyzed by fear to take those big leaps. I’m not a natural risk-taker. I like…
Signs That Ministry Is Becoming An Idol
Almost every time you hear a teaching on idolatry, you’ll hear the speaker say “Anything can be an idol. Even something as good as ministry!” It’s actually even a church cliche. But what does it truly mean to make ministry an idol? I’ve spent a good fourteen years of my life serving in ministry. Four…
How To Deal With Crisis When You’re In The Middle Of It
Crisis preparation is much more easier said than done. Think about emergency preparation. It’s easy to line up a three-step plan of action when disaster strikes. But it’s a completely different ball game when fire strikes. How do you deal with crisis then you’re in the middle of the storm? I reference back to the…
A Thought On Parenting, Leadership And The Power Of Presence
Today includes three intertwined events: Alexa’s “Buwan Ng Wika” presentation, a prayer rally for my persecuted Mayor uncle and my dad’s Birthday. All three of these events overlap around the idea of presence and the power it holds in relationships. I am blessed to have a father who was good at what he did. Whether…
A Few Thoughts In The Span Of Our Little Vacation To Hong Kong
Hong Kong Disneyland- I’m writing this halfway through what’s going to be our small families first (of many!) out of the country travels. This is also Alexa and Ces’ first vacation abroad. As I write this, a few thoughts are running through my head mostly excitement and nervousness. Excitement because of the itinerary and nervousness…
How Contentment Makes You Win More
Discontentment has forever come in the guise of being a means to get more in life. A lot of people think that an attitude of wanting more brings more value to their lives. And while an covetous heart might get us more brands, attention, vacations or power, it doesn’t necessarily bring us more value. Today’s…
Before You Go And Quit Your Job
“My job is sucking the life out of me.” “I want to do something more inclined to my skills.” “I don’t feel called to my job anymore.” Just this week alone, I’ve spoken to easily three people with the intent of quitting their day job. All three of them were convinced that they were in…
5 Ways To Keep Doing Your Art Without Going Hungry
We’ve all heard the idea of the starving artist who suffers for his art. Some of us might even be planning to take that route or already in that situation, thinking there is no other way. But contrary to popular belief, being a starving artist is not the only option. In fact, it’s an unnecessary…