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How to Craft Your Mission and Vision Statement

Last Sunday, I was invited to be one of the speakers at the event of the Global Shapers community of Iloilo, and nothing beats building leaders on a Sunday.


The event was mostly attended by students and young professionals, and my slot was to be filled by a lecture on branding. One of the main points I shared was “nothing builds a better brand than a strong mission and vision statement.”

For anyone who’s started a business, you will know that the first thing a venture founder (or venture co-founders) should build is a compelling mission and vision. For anyone who’s started a business in the Philippines, often companies will just put in a generic mission and vision for the sake of having something to plaster to the entrance.

But truth be told, nothing builds brand trust and loyalty like a strong mission and vision statement. Here are four steps to building a strong brand mission and vision statement:

Step#1. Answer the Question, “Why?”

A mission and vision statement will clearly state why you do what you do, and not just what you do and how you do it. Simon Sinek once said, “People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it.”

Apple doesn’t sell computers, phones and gadgets. They sell a philosophy of innovation and always providing something ground breaking.

Instagram doesn’t sell a photo software. It sells a platform to showcase your life to people you know (often to make others jealous. ha).

Coke doesn’t sell sugar water. They (recently) sell the strong family ties built around the dinner table.

Step #2. Make Your Mission and Vision About Others

A good mission statement will go beyond the interests of the owners, stockholders and investors. It will reach out to the needs and wants of your target audience.

Though a mission statement is the battlecry of the company by the owner, it is a battlecry that will arrest the hearts and minds of those in the battlefield.

If you’re mission and vision somewhat translates to others as “I want more money, fame and power.”, then chances are people won’t buy into it.

Step #3. Make it Bigger.

Step #4. Make it BIGGER!

No, that wasn’t a typo error. A mission and vision must be big, and then once you think it’s big, you have to make it bigger. If you think you’re mission and vision is big enough, then it’s not big enough.

A compelling mission and vision is often something that you cannot achieve in a short span of time, and is something that will seem close to impossible to reach.

When I first crafted the ‘ten thousand leaders’ mission and vision, I assure you the number was much smaller than that. I started with one thousand leaders, then I thought I could do two thousand, then three thousand.

Four thousand.
Five thousand.
Nine thousand.
Nine thousand and five hundred.

How big is your mission and vision? Make it bigger!

Here are some questions that will help you build a mission and vision for your brand:

  1. Why do you do what you do?
  2. Who do you want to help with your business, organization or company?
  3. How can you stretch your mission and vision to make it bigger?

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