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In The Spirit of The Season: How To Make The Most Of Your Christmas and The Remainder of 2016

It’s been almost a month since my last blog, and I feel so bad about it, but I just have to admit that I have been extra hectic the past few weeks- 4 big projects, so many changes to be made in the ministry come this 2017, a big gift giving program (where 300+ kids were the beneficiaries) and as many as 7 Christmas parties. Whew!
I have to say that 2016 has gone out with a bang, and I hope that the same can only be true with you. And yet everything boils down to these last few days- the dusk of the year and the closing scenes to what has yet been another great chapter to this life we all have the privilege of walking together.

Before we get to our Noche Buenas (and if you’re reading this), I hope to take the last few moments blogging and sharing just one thought with you before we all start the most awaited celebration of the year- Christmas is the best time to live out the greatest commandment ever given.

Jesus once urged us to live a life of love saying: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 22:37-40)

It’s virtually impossible to live out the true meaning of Christmas- Christ- without living out this great command that He gave to us. Here are two simple ways to make the most of the Christmas season through the greatest command.

Make Christ the Center of Your Celebration

As we did our small gift-giving project for three-hundred plus kids with Camp Sonshine Center last December 17, I was reminded truly of what this season is all about- bringing glory to Christ. I was reminded of this once again as we joined all three hundred kids along with benefactors and missionaries in worshipping the name of Jesus together in a song in our native dialect.

Here’s a video of that event.

I have to admit that my eyes were “sweating” at the sight. It reminded me of the examples the heavenly hosts set for us in Luke 2:13-14: “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!’” We are all given this opportunity to lift Christ’s name this Christmas.

Enjoy Relationships More Than Anything

We were made by God to be relational beings. At one point, I thought that my life was destined to be alone until God opened by eyes to the reality of the blessing of relationships and how He calls us to enjoy them. We are surrounded by family, friends, church community and colleagues who care deeply about us and in return we are given this privilege to be God’s extension of love and grace to each other.

Christmas is so much more than just the gifts and food. It’s about whom you share them with. Let’s not forget to truly express our joy, gratitude and love for our neighbors- our family and friends.


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