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How to Believe God for the Impossible

I recently sat down with some men who are part of my discipleship group over coffee, and our conversation found its way to the topic of faith. One of my friends made a comment about how he had always looked up to me for living a life of faith, to believe God for the impossible and standing firm through trial, and then asked me “How can I have that kind of faith?”


I didn’t have an answer because the most obvious way was to tell him to ask my wife because she’s packed with faith all the time.

To be completely honest, I don’t consider the way I live to be very faith-filled. I worry a lot, I doubt, I question and I try to find my own way around situations. Being a strategic thinker, I’m more prone to find my own way instead of rely on God’s way.

But through God’s grace there have been many moments that I have laid down my armour and surrendered all my will and desire to God, and he has turned that for the better. I thank God for the many breakthroughs that have come, from financial provision, to salvation and even miraculous healing every now and then.

What is that marks the kind of faith to believe God for the impossible? I’d like to share three simple practices that I have applied into my life to have more faith in God.

1. Obey

It’s hard to say that you believe in God’s ability, when you can’t obey his commands. To say you have faith in God means that you will do what God asks you to. When Abraham was asked to sacrifice his own son Isaac, he obeyed out of an outflow of belief and then it translated to faith proved by actions. When you believe God for the impossible, you will obey Him and His Word.

2. Communicate

David is another Bible character in the Hebrews 12 Hall of Faith. One thing one would notice while reading some of the Psalms is that not all of them are happy Psalms, but nonetheless they are expressed and communicated. It’s easy to communicate praise and honor to God, but what about those fears, doubts and worries? God calls us to cast our burdens upon Him.

3. Wait

Faith will always equate to patience. When we have faith that God knows best, and that He can move, we will wait for His move. Moses had to wait for forty years before His people was given passage into the promised land. He never even set foot, but when God had brought Him up to the mountain to gaze upon the land flowing with milk and honey, it was worth it.

Which of those three practices stands as a challenge for you? How can you practice it more?

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