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A Few Thoughts In The Span Of Our Little Vacation To Hong Kong

Hong Kong Disneyland- I’m writing this halfway through what’s going to be our small families first (of many!) out of the country travels. This is also Alexa and Ces’ first vacation abroad.

As I write this, a few thoughts are running through my head mostly excitement and nervousness. Excitement because of the itinerary and nervousness because for the next five days, I have left behind three companies without a leader.

But all these bring about some important thoughts I’d like to share in hopes that it will give you value and let you into some lessons- both old and new.

Here are just a few thoughts.

Do things for family and you’ll always be content

I can’t help but put up a smile from one end to another when I heard my daughter’s ecstatic screams as awaited our flight. “I’m going to Hong Kong!” “I’m going to see Mickey Mouse!” “The plane is here!”

Equally as overwhelming was the happy (and impatient) look on my wife’s face. I am deeply reminded about how everything I do is for my family. As God has graciously given me the gift of Ces and Alex, I just marvel at the privilege that is to lead and serve them. I have come to realize once again that true joy is inevitable when you do all that you can for family.

Disconnection is necessary

I’m only an hour away from exiting Philippine airspace and I’m already tempted to check my email as I just couldn’t transition everything out of my hands. I’m only going to be gone a few days, but I know it will feel like forever if all I do is focus on work.

But I am reminded of the importance of deliberate disconnection. It’s not only helpful. It’s necessary. Disconnection is a great gateway to being connected more to things that matter. For the next few days, I will be disconnected from work, but I will be more connected to my family, God and myself.

Yes, faith is more than enough

It’s no secret how based on my own ability, I am very far off from ever affording this trip. But where our weakness lies, God’s ability is amplified. My income was nowhere close to being able to provide this well-needed but extremely expensive trip, but God isn’t limited by our net cash flow.

All we had was faith- sometimes imperfect and wavering but it was still there. And behind that faith was a faithful God. I believe what God did for us He can do for everyone. It might not be a vacation, but I’m sure you have promises you’re holding on to. Don’t let go! Faith is more than enough.

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