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Some Of The Most Dangerous Words I’ve Ever Said To God

What’s the most dangerous thing that you’ve ever said to God? Was it “God, I don’t believe in you,” or “Jesus, you are no longer my Lord”? You’ll be surprised to know the most dangerous words I’ve ever spoken to God are far from that spectrum.

What’s the most dangerous thing I’ve ever said to God? It’s the words- “Here I am, Lord, use me.” Maybe you’ve said those words to God as well and you’ve never been the same again- both in a good way and in a bad way.

We live in a time where many local churches like to romanticize the idea of following God promising that it will be sweet, easy, enjoyable and perfectly lovely all the way. Well, I’ve lived long enough following Christ to know that that’s not always the case and I’m sure a lot of you who have been following Christ for quite a while now will agree.

Asking For God’s kingdom to come and His will to be done can and will get very dangerous for you- for your career, your comfort, your desires, your dreams. Christ followers have lost jobs, friends, businesses and even their own lives for Christ. Why is that? Because following Jesus isn’t a walk in the park.

It was the Prophet Isaiah who- through a vision- spoke to God declaring, “Here I am! Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8) The life that followed him was nothing close to “Pleasantville.” He was called to say some harsh words to very powerful people. You can just imagine Isaiah thinking to himself, “What have I gotten myself into?”

Jesus Himself taught the disciples and consequently us today to “deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24) I’ve been denied by others before and it hurts, but now Jesus calls us to deny ourselves? Ouch!

Please, don’t get me wrong though. I’m not saying that we don’t ask God to use us and to move through us. Nothing could be more fulfilling and wonderful than living a life under God’s will and purpose. But unless we embrace both the beautiful and paralyzingly scary parts of a life lived in Christ, we won’t last very long in the faith.

Yes, we’re on the winning side, but there is still very much a battle to face, and we have to get ready. That’s why Paul urges us to put on the armor of God, not the “fashionable party clothes” of God.

As we walk with Christ, there won’t be a shortage of trials and challenges. In fact, there just might be more opposition now given that you go against the flow. Just as Jesus said in John 16:33, “In this world you will have many tribulations…” but the great news is that in the same breath He promises “I have overcome the world.”

Yes, we’re on the winning side, but there is still very much a battle to face, and we have to get ready. That’s why Paul urges us to put on the armor of God, not the “fashionable party clothes” of God. Yes, we have won the battle, but it’s time we stormed through the gates and barriers and claim the victory, breakthrough and promise of God.

Surrendering your life to Christ will be the best decision you will ever make, but it will also be the most dangerous. So get ready to live dangerously for God. Following Christ will not always be easy, but it will forever be worth it.

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