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27 Years: 3 Wishes For You On Your Birthday

Twenty-seven years. That’s how long it’s been since the woman of my dreams was born into this world, and I can’t begin to express just how thankful I am that God brought my wife Ces to be who she is. I wasn’t there when it happened (because I would only be born sixteen days after), but in God’s thoughts He had already brought us together. What a miracle!

There are so many things about my wife that I am crazy about, and just a handful of things that drives me crazy (in great ways still I might add!). I will always need my wife around. I am a firm believer that God has knit my purpose, calling and destiny to hers for the rest of my days.

On this day my wife’s news feed will be flooded with greetings, I thought I’d take time to greet her virtually through blog by sharing the three wishes I have for Ces on her twenty seventh year. Mommy, if you’re reading this- which I know you will because you’re my number one blogging fan! (by force)- I wish you these three things this year.

Fuller Days

More than just fuller wardrobe cabinets and shoe racks, I wish and pray for fuller days for you. I constantly release blessings upon your days. I ask the Spirit of God to always bring greater productivity, fuller rest, more pleasure and satisfaction to the twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year He gives you.

As productive as you are now, I believe in you and the greater things God can and will do with the time He has ordained upon you.

Greater Calling

I will forever be the champion of God’s will and ways in your life because I dream of great things for you. But no matter how big my dreams for you are, God’s dreams are greater. So I ask God that He always bring greater things upon your life now and forever.

I declare Jeremiah 29:11 upon you: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Renewed Joy and Strength

I know. I know. You tell me everyday how crazy and tiring your days can get. How I wish I could give you all the leaves, massages and shopping therapies that you need to compensate for the awesome things that you do on a regular basis, but I can’t.

But the good news is that God can. I urge you to run to Christ even before you even run to me when you are weary and heavy-laden, not because I don’t want to carry your load with you but because I know God can do it so much better. As you do that, as we both know, you will receive the Lord’s joy that will bring forth strength.

As you always do every birthday, today I have a wishlist of birthday gifts that you want. And while I can only afford roughly five percent of the things on that list, I offer to you as always something more- I give you all I am. I give my heart to you first and so much more! All my life, all my energy, all my money, all my devotion, all my fidelity, all my passion. 

Happy Birthday, Mommy! I love you now and forever.

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